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#11 Why Are Skippers the Ultimate Crisis Managers?

“Ready to tack?” “Ready!”

That was me, a few days ago, basking in the Sardinian sun, shouting back as the skipper called out commands.

It was all smooth sailing until… well, it wasn’t.

The breeze was perfect, and then suddenly, the wind picked up.

As we zigzagged over to Corsica, steering through those unpredictable waters got me thinking about steering through a crisis.

I know, it sounds like a stretch. But, stick with me here.

If you haven’t been on a sailing trip, let me tell you, it’s a mix of adrenaline, strategy, and a tiny voice in your head that says…

“I should’ve paid more attention at the sailing club meetings.”

Much like handling a crisis at work— you need nerves of steel, a solid plan, and the wisdom to know that no, you can’t control the wind, but you can definitely adjust your sails.

Now, hold that thought.

Isn’t it a relief when you’re being guided by someone who exudes confidence?

Yep. That’s the skipper for you.


Skippers are like the CEOs of the sea.

The crew listens because the skipper’s got the experience. They’ve read the waves, charted courses, and dodged more than a few storms. 

And that’s exactly what you need in a crisis boss—they don’t just talk the talk; they walk the walk… or should I say, sail the sail?


So, what actually makes a skipper – or any leader – worth their salt in a storm?

I’ll tell you what. As a crisis communication expert, there are five things that really matter for a leader when it’s all hitting the fan.

  1. Talk Like a Pro. You can’t be all “maybe” this and “possibly” that. When you’re on a boat, you can’t mumble your commands. Same goes for CEOs when stuff hits the fan at work. Be clear, be loud, and be sure.
  2. Rapid-Fire Decision Making. You make the call and you make it fast. In a storm, there’s no time to form a committee. You need a leader who can make a call and stick to it.
  3. Resilience Like a Rubber Duck. A good leader bounces back. They’re the calm in the storm, the one who’s unflappable when waves are literally flapping into the boat.
  4. Preparation Is King. You wouldn’t go to sea without a lifejacket, so don’t go into business without a plan. Practice drills, make plans, and know where the lifeboats are.
  5. Adaptability On The Fly. Good leaders are quick to tweak the plan, without losing sight of the shore. Sometimes, the wind changes. A good skipper – and a crisis manager – can change tack faster than you can say “squall line”.


So, What’s The Game Plan?

  • Knowledge + Experience: You’ve got to know the ropes and have weathered a few storms.
  • Emotional Cool: If you’re panicking, everyone’s panicking. Stay cool, and the crew stays cool.
  • Under Pressure Performer: Some wilt, some thrive. Be the one who thrives.

And remember, whether it’s sailing or crisis management, the secret is not to fight the elements; it’s about using them to your advantage.


Wanna Skip the Panic?

When you’re ready to sail through crises like a seasoned skipper, no life jacket required (but hey, always wear one on an actual boat, okay? Safety first), hit us up.

Let’s get you ready for anything.

  1. Join the Club: Hop into a workshop where we’ll show you how to bulletproof your business against crises, make a top-notch plan, and practice emergency responses like you mean it.
  2. Crisis SOS? Call Us: Oh No, Not This..: Stuck in a tough spot? Our experts have your back. We’ve got the maps and the know-how.
  3. Crisis Prevention Pack: Better Safe Than Sorry. We’ll audit your biz, tailor-make a crisis plan, and train your team to become the SEALs of crisis management.

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